ISA Healthcare Solutions is a clinical software developer. We are part of the ISA Group, an organisation with an impeccable 30 year history of delivering ICT services to clients across Australia and Asia. Our focus is on the intersection of healthcare and technology, and this is underpinned by our team of experts across the two domains, including clinicians, health administrators, management consultants and technologists, who work together at the cutting edge of digital health. Headquartered in Perth, Western Australia, but with staff in a number of locations across Australia, we provide strategic clinical and commercial consulting services to healthcare providers across Australia, as well as a number of product offerings, whether this is advising healthcare clients on long term technology strategy or delivering innovative software or tech solutions.
Our vision is to empower healthcare professionals - and patients - with innovative technology and solutions that improve the quality of care whilst reducing the cost of care. To achieve this end, we have been working in diverse areas including primary care, hospitals, Aboriginal health, aged care, allied health, community care and population health to help clinicians deliver improved outcomes for a broad range of patients. Our customer base covers healthcare clients of all sizes representing a broad range of clinical settings including public and private health services, hospitals, clinics (GP, specialist and allied health) and Aboriginal medical services.